Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Update # 7: October Mission to restricted Acess Nation

The last week has been intense! But to God be the glory--we are now safe and sound back home, but we would like to update you on what has taken place the last week in the South. It was incredible! Time was short but the labor was intense. From sun up to sun down our small team joined with nationals tackled each day with lots of prayer and God given faith. The atmosphere was thick because of Ramadan and the acceptance of Americans was not common. But when we greeted our brothers and sisters there with compassionate hearts and medical clinics we began to see entire villages come for medical care. It was amazing! We can only estimate how many people we were able to see through the clinics, but to the best of our estimations it was around 400+ peoples. We would go till 2-3am in the morning and then start back up in another village only after hours of sleep. Patients ranged from simple illnesses to malaria, typhoid, and rare African known diseases. But God was so good in allowing us to see both Christian and Muslim patients. We depended mostly on the local church we were working with to share in the local language the gospel message of Christ, but with our actions we deeply tried to show the true love and grace of Christ. We prayed over many patients and asked the King of all Kings to move beyond what our feeble clinic could offer, He was faithful!
Our words of encouragement this week came from the pastor we were working along side. Pastor A is an MBB (Muslims Background Believer) and was kicked out of his village & family after accepting Christ as Lord. All week He told us, " When God says "Yes!" no man can say,"No", and when God says, "No!" no man can say, "Yes"! It is true! God always has the final word, and we know what it is---To God be the glory!
Thank you for your prayers. if you would like to hear more please give us a call at 1.877.212.0562 or e-mail


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