Monday, May 08, 2006

The Radical Nature of THE CALL...

My name is JCN, and I am the President of Breaking Borders. I would like to take a few moments and share with you my heart for using medicine in North Africa & the Middle East to reach Muslims.

When Breaking Broders was formed it was with with four purposes in mind.
Breaking Borders exists to Glorify God through:

1. Mobilizing God-Centered believers into restricted and un-reached areas of the world to share the gospel of Jesus Christ

2. Raising awareness of Christian persecution and the lack of Christian witness among un-reached people groups in restricted nations

3. Educating the local church in Islam, and training the body of Christ to reach Muslims in the USA and abroad

4. Utilizing medicine and medical aid as a bridge to bring the to gospel of Jesus Christ to people in restricted nations

I would like to expand on the final purpose, concerning medical aid & care. In my years of medical training, I have had the privilege to participate in numerous medical missions across the globe. There are a few things I have noticed in my participation—

The Great Need
There is an authentic need in the Body of Christ today for radicalized, passionate medical missionaries who aren’t afraid to go to the hard places in the world to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, claim Him as King, and give God the Glory He deserves through compassionate medical care.
Medical Missions does not equal humanitarian aid”
Sometimes this is a means to an end, but not the end itself! (which some have made it) Humanitarian aid lasts a short time, less than the life of the person involved, while the gospel is eternal.
Medical Missions devoid of Jesus Christ is just humanitarian aid!
I believe the most natural thing for the born again child of God to do is to tell about the things of God.

The problem
· Some that claim the title of medical missionary are not converted themselves
· Some are converted, but have not been spiritually fed or matured in their faith
· Some are filled with fear and are unwilling to be obedient
The real question ,“Are you willing to give up medicine for Jesus Christ?’ —meaning if He asks you to do anything for Him would you be willing? If He asks you to dig ditches in the Sudan for His Glory would you be obedient to this call? Is there some pride in being a physician that keeps you from being obedient to Jesus?

Radical nature of the call
One of the most important roles of the medical missionary is being an ambassador of Jesus Christ, to proclaim that ‘the world is bound in sin, but the Savior has come!’ Jesus Christ is a stumbling block to most of the world! All who desire to live Godly in Christ Jesus shall be persecuted!
Suffering is a prerequisite of obedience, not an option!
2 timothy 3:12;1 Peter 4:12-19
God is looking for modern day martyr potentials .
You are called to be a martyr potential, so give Christ the glory in your life and in your death!

Let me close with an excerpt from the testimony of John G. Patton who was called to the foreign soil as a missionary, who sought to please God and not man:

‘Amongst many who sought to deter me, was one dear old Christian gentleman, whose crowning argument always was,

"The cannibals! You will be eaten by cannibals!"

At last I replied, "Mr. Dickson, you are advanced in years now, and your own prospect is soon to be laid in the grave, there to be eaten by worms, I confess to you, that if I can but live and die serving and honoring the Lord Jesus, it will make no difference to me whether I am eaten by cannibals or by worms; and in the Great Day my resurrection body will arise as fair as yours in the likeness of our risen Redeemer."‘
Let us now go live and die for the Great Glory of Jesus Christ! —JCN, M.D.


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