Saturday, July 07, 2007

Hunting for His Glory

The last couple and the next few days will be spent in some intense times of Hunting... The Good ol Book says we are to be fishers of men. So in our pursuit of representing the business this side of the world we go on hunting trips with the cheif aim of catching a few M background fish that we can invest some quality time sharing the joy of our business.

Yesterday many of us went hunting in a large metro area and found a few nibbles at our bait. So today we will do some follow up and continue to explore the ocean of opportunities. During these hunting trips we will also be plastering the area with written ideas from the Book we love so much.

Please think about us continually as you go throughout your day. The time is short and the days are dark. Many of our fellow freinds have no eyes to see nor ears to hear the Good story we love to share. But in a moment we believe this can change as the One we follow would choose to make clear their path and give them hearts to see what eyes cannot and hear what ears cannot. Your thoughts go far beyond one nation or land, but to a place that reaches higher than the skies and can make even the faint heart grow strong as they are heard by our Father.


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