Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Please Pray...

We're in .E-city.and found a great place to stay and its a lot more relaxed than M- city. C-ity went really fast and we got a lot of fruit out.
But then last night we rally saw the Lord keep us through those praying. Sufficeit to say, a young boy saw us and brought it to his dad the storekeeper. They both came and confronted us at the next shop we were at,and that man had a white hat so he was pretty mad.
We said it wasn't ours and insisted it couldn't be since we cant read arabic. I apologized that such a thing would happen, so the man took it to tear it up and said fine. We wandered through the market for awhile making sure we were in the clean, then hung out in a cafe, and eventually went back to the hotel.
After this we decided to move on. The atmosphere is just really intense there, and there are way too many shop keepers per shop.

So we got on a bus and headed here. It's been a good afternoon. Not the numbers as before, but we remember that each one is important.


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